Brave Search now answers coding queries

Brave Search has integrated a new AI feature called CodeLLM designed to provide high-quality answers to coding-related queries. 

CodeLLM summarises potential solutions located across the web and generates step-by-step explanations to common coding problems. It aims to save developers time by delivering concise and actionable responses without having to sift through dozens of search results.

The AI is powered by a large language model called Mixtral which can generate...

Apple plans to upgrade search capabilities with ‘Pegasus’

Apple is reportedly looking to integrate its "Pegasus" internal search engine into the App Store and other applications.

The report comes via Apple insider Mark Gurman in his latest Power On newsletter for Bloomberg.

Apple's venture into advanced search technology began with the introduction of upgrades to its Spotlight search feature in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14. This enhanced feature enabled users to search for web results, documents, and surface details from...

Microsoft inflates Bing Search API fees

Microsoft is introducing massive price hikes for developers using the Bing Search API.

“We periodically assess the value and pricing of our services to meet market demands and align the pricing of our products and services with customer consumption trends and preferences,” wrote Microsoft.

“The new pricing model reflects more accurately the technology investments Bing continues to make to improve Search.”

Dependent on your needs, some of the prices have...

GitHub launches preview of improved code search

GitHub is making significant improvements to its code searching experience and has launched a technology preview for an early peek.

The current search index covers more than five million of the most popular public repositories. In addition, developers can also search any private repositories they have access to.

GitHub recommends trying five search functions to see how they could improve your workflow:

Try a simple search and see how the smart ranking and...